We happen to be the leaders in manufacture of this distinctive kind of hair piece that resembles a half wig. About 3 to 4 bundles of human hair is sewn on the lace band that stretches from ear to ear. We are the best-known Human Hair Frontal Lace Closures supplier and exporter in Gambia and we make sure that it covers approximately 13 inches on the sides and 4 inches in the back. The frontal part can be stylized differently making it possible to hold the hair backwards, an activity that is not possible in an ordinary lace closure.
Individuals who want to go in for a new look cannot do better than turn to Gyanti human hair enterprises who are sure to transform the appearance completely thanks to years of experience and spectacular skills that really makes a difference. When it comes to money, you can obtain the choicest frontal closures from us at affordable rates in comparison to the reputed ones. However, our quality remains top class, a fact that has many takers.
We take utmost pleasure in protecting the edge of your hairline and you will find our products comfortable and simple to install.