Adding to the length or adding volume of hair is popular. However, using an I-Tip helps one to attach strands of hair near the root of the existing hair by means of a tiny bead. There is no glue or chemical used either. On the contrary each hair is crimped down via a specialized tool so that it remains securely attached at the scalp. The I-tips usually last for 3 to 6 months and need to be redone once again.
You just cannot go wrong by choosing the high quality i tip human hair extensions by Gyanti human hair enterprises, the best supplier in Ireland. You may not have been born with beautiful hair but do not take it personally. Instead, feel free to augment your tresses perfectly with the I tips that we offer. They are of export quality for we manufacture for overseas clients too.
You do not have to sit for hours at a salon if you want to show off your beautiful hair. Simply buy our products and get it attached with the aid of some DIY tips. Removing them is even easier. So, go for it for we will support you all the way.